Stochastic integration in Banach space and Banach space geometry

Jan van Neerven,June 18, 2003
Let $E$ be a real Banach space. In this talk we construct stochastic integrals for $E$-valued functions (with respect to a real Brownian motion $\{B(t)\}_{t\ge 0}$) and ${\mathcal L}(E)$-valued functions (with respect to $E$-valued an Brownian motion $\{B_E(t)\}_{t\ge 0}$), where ${\mathcal L}(E)$ denotes the space of bounded linear operators on $E$. We address the following problem: if $\Phi:(0,T)\to {\mathcal L}(E)$ is stochastically integrable with respect to $\{B_E(t)\}_{t\ge 0}$, does it follows that the orbits $\Phi x:(0,T)\to E$ (with $x\in E$) are stochastically integrable with respect to $\{B(t)\}_{t\ge 0}$ and vice versa? It turns out that the answer to these seemingly innocent questions depends on the geometry of the underlying Banach space $E$. More precisely, we show that an affirmative answer can be given precisely for the class of Banach spaces with Pisier's property $(\alpha)$. This requires a reformulation of property $(\alpha)$ in terms of a natural isomorphism between certain spaces of radonifying operators.
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Igor Grubisic (grubisic@math.uu.nl)