An invaluable source for travel information within the Netherlands is the route planner. It will give you precise directions on how to get where you want to go.

If you are coming from Schiphol, the most convenient way to get to Utrecht is by train. Both the train from Schiphol to Eindhoven (from platforms 1 or 2) and the train from Schiphol to Nijmegen (platform 3) stop at Station Utrecht Centraal. You can buy the tickets from the yellow ticket machines in the main hall of the airport using a credit card or a maestro card. A one way ticket costs € 8.50 (January 2015) .

The address of the mathematics department (Departement Wiskunde, in Dutch) is

Budapestlaan 6


Colloquium organisers:

Tobias Müller, Martijn Kool and Tristan van Leeuwen


The mathematics department is located behind the red building with the name Minnaert written in big letters

The department is located in the Uithof.

The easiest way to get from the Station Utrecht Centraal to the mathematics department is by taxi.

Yet, if you are feeling adventurous, going by bus is also quite simple. Busses 11 and 12 go from the bus station adjacent to the Station Utrecht Centraal to the Uithof. The stop where you should leave the bus is Botanische Tuinen. From there you see the mathematics department (Wiskunde) behind a red building with the name “Minnaert” written in big letters. The map below shows where the mathematics department is as well as the relevant bus stops. Warning: the map is a bit outdate, as bus 12 now stops in Weg tot de wetenschap and not in Sorbonnelaan.