\chapter{Preface, Creed and Apology} \section{What it is all about and what not} Epidemiology is the study of the spread of diseases, in space and time, with the objective to trace \textit{factors} that are responsible for, or contribute to, their occurrence. In 1854, John Snow demonstrated that cholera could be transmitted via drinking water. He combined incidence data from an area surrounding Broad Street in London with a sketch of the location of water pumps, and noticed that the cases were clustered around a particular pump. This is a classic example of how \textit{description} and \textit{data analysis} may lead to an \textit{explanation}, which then can be used for \textit{% prevention} (or \textit{prediction}). The general usefulness of maps in this context is brilliantly illustrated in the \textit{Altas of Disease Distributions}, by Cliff \& Haggett (1988). To achieve an understanding of complex phenomena, one needs many tools. This book is not about maps and not about statistics (for the latter we refer to Becker, 1989). It is about caricatural mathematical descriptions of the mechanisms of transmission of infectious agents and about the analysis of the models that result from such descriptions. It is about \textit{% translating} assumptions concerning biological (behavioural, immunological, demographical, medical) aspects into mathematics, about mathematical \textit{% analysis} of certain classes of equations aided by interpretation, and about the \textit{drawing of conclusions} where results from the mathematical analysis are translated back into biology. Another way of phrasing this is to say that this book is about \textit{% thought experiments} that help to create conceptual clarity, to expose hidden working hypotheses and to find mechanistic links between different observable quantities. It tries to unravel the relationship between assumed mechanisms at the individual level and the resulting phenomena at the population level. \section{The top down approach} It is the mathematicians' inclination to strive for an abstract and general theory, the hope being that, once such a theory exists, one can make it operational by mere specification and elaboration. We are aware that this view is too rosy. To apply general qualitative theory to the concrete and the specific in order to generate quantitative conclusions is a highly non-trivial affair requiring its own type of ingenuity. Top down does not make bottom up redundant. It is an art to discern pattern in facts and figures concerning a specific disease agent affecting a specific host population. We believe that collaboration between specialists in different fields is the designated way to make top down and bottom up meet. This believe was triggered by our own experience in working, sometimes indirectly, together with experts from many areas of human, animal (both wild and farm) and plant epidemiology. We realise that this book only offers the top down part of the story. It provides \textit{tools} (concepts, methods, techniques, results) and \textit{qualitative insights} (e.g. the Threshold Theorem of Section 1.2.1 and the asymptotic speed of propagation of Chapter 8) but does not embark upon, for example, a quantitative study of the advantages and disadvantages of various vaccination strategies against rubella in the Netherlands, or the question of how many hospital beds are likely to be needed for AIDS patients in the next twenty years. However, we do claim that, for a mathematically oriented book, we are exceedingly conscientious about the meaning and interpretation of the assumptions that are made. Even though most of the models discussed are deterministic, we think in terms of individuals and their behaviour, and hence `deterministic' just means that there are assumed to be very many such individuals and that, as a consequence, chance fluctuations are of relatively minor importance. We strongly advocate the formulation of model assumptions in terms of behaviour of individuals, and in this respect the book is written with missionary zeal (even top experts have been known to sometimes misinterpret quadratic/mass-action terms by jumping too recklessly from the individual to the population level and back). Our hope is that through formulation of population models in terms of behaviour of individuals one can facilitate the linking up of the top down with the bottom up approach. \section{A workbook} Some books offer wisdom. They can be read at leisure in an armchair near a fireplace, provided one pauses every now and then for contemplation. This is not such a book. This book has a zillion exercises and begs to be read with pencil and paper at hand (or, perhaps, in a more modern way, using a computer with some program for symbolic manipulation). Some of the exercises you may just want to read to see what statements they concern. This reading is essential, since usually the exercises are an integrated part of the exposition. For many exercises, however, mere reading is not enough: one actually needs to do them. Learning to translate, model, analyse and interpret involves training. Some exercises are ridiculously simple since we have tried not to omit arguments or to tire the reader with details; where other writers would state `one easily sees' or `as a simple argument shows', etc., we have inserted an exercise. Other exercises, however, are very hard and elaborate. We anticipate that our readers will feel at times frustrated or even irritated. We therefore provide complete elaborations of all exercises, even of the `ridiculously simple ones', as an integrated part of the book. When you cannot do a specific exercise, we advise that you initially only briefly glance at the elaboration as a kind of hint and then try again. Only if all glances fail to inspire should you study the elaboration in detail. We are not sadists who like to pester their readers with exercises. We are convinced that the reward is enormous. In literally working through this book the reader acquires modelling skills that are also valuable outside of epidemiology, certainly within population dynamics, but even beyond that. The reader receives training in mathematical argumentation, modelling and analysis. The book is primarily aimed at self-study. To study the book in a small group that meets for discussion sessions, however, can be more stimulating and rewarding (if only because by dividing the labour it is easier to keep the spirits high). Finally, we trust that a lecturer can use the book as a basis for a course on epidemic modelling. We invite readers to send us their comments and constructive criticism. \section{Portrait of the reader as a young person} What is the audience that we have in mind? The answer depends on our temper. In optimistic moods we expect that anybody with an interest in epidemic modelling should be able to digest most of the text and benefit from it. When realism strikes, we appreciate that a certain background in mathematics is required, and we narrow down the description to applied mathematicians (to-be) with an interest in population biology and epidemiology and to theoretical biologists and epidemiologists with a strong inclination to persevere when mathematical language at first seems to complicate, rather than simplify, the modelling. Our hope is that the applied mathematicians learn to see i) the subtleties of model assumptions; ii) that continuous-time models not necessarily take the form of a system of ordinary differential equations (`ODE') and iii) that often biological interpretation suggests how to proceed with the mathematical analysis. Our hope is that the theoretical biologists and epidemiologists i) enlarge their tool kit considerably and ii) conclude that sometimes abstraction may actually make things simpler and more transparent. Our ideal reader feels attracted by these educational aims. \section{A brief outline of the book} This book is divided into three parts and twelve chapters. In Part I, we shall introduce the key questions, basic ideas, fundamental concepts and mathematical arguments in as simple a context as possible. This entails in particular that we treat all host individuals as identical with respect to behaviour and physiology and that we deal with such concepts as thresholds, final sizes for epidemics, repeated outbreaks, the endemic state and population regulation. When the host population is heterogeneous, we need more advanced mathematics. To describe the initial phase of epidemic spread, we can restrict attention to linear mathematics and a systematic approach is possible. The theory, with many examples, is presented in Part II. In addition we pay some (but not much) attention to nonlinear aspects in a general setting. We shall pay some more attention to age structure and spatial structure in separate chapters, since these are particularly relevant for understanding of the population dynamics of many infective agents. To analyse nonlinear structured models one is often forced to make debatable simplifying assumptions. Even then, one needs to resort to tricks, for lack of a powerful general theory. We therefore do not forage deeply into nonlinear theory. For most of the examples in the book we have those infective agents in mind that are usually collectively called `microparasites', but in Chapter 9 we briefly touch upon some aspects where `macroparasites' differ from `microparasites' (and where they do not), and concentrate on the consequences that these differences and agreements have for the mathematical treatment of invasion. In the final chapter of Part II we pay attention to one of the fundamental and conceptually most difficult aspects of epidemic theory: the myriad ways in which one can model contacts between individuals. Part III consists of two chapters. As a consequence of our educational aim, we provide, in Chapter 11 and 12, complete elaborations of all exercises. These elaborations are detailed and sometimes lengthy, and in this way often serve as an extension and deepening of the main text. This makes the elaborations into an integrated part of the book. A final remark concerns our way of referring to the literature. The literature of epidemic theory is extensive and growing steadily. It would be very difficult, bordering on the impossible, to do justice to all valuable contributions to the literature. We have deliberately chosen to write a textbook and not a review of the state-of-the-art in epidemic theory. As a consequence we have two types of references: local specialist literature (mostly papers) and global general texts for further reading (mostly books). The local literature is included in places where it is necessary for the exposition at that point and is given in footnotes. The global references are given in a short list near the end of the book. They are ordered thematically and include background mathematics books. We do not usually refer to our own papers, since much of the relevant material is represented somehow in the text. The research was performed over a ten-year period with many collaborators. Apart from the people mentioned explicitly in the next section, the main collaborators whose efforts are presented here are Mick Roberts and Klaus Dietz. \section{And what about reality?} So far our aim has been to position the book in a scientific landscape of which we provided some topography. Here are a few final remarks in this direction. Infectious agents have had decisive influences on the history of mankind.% Such is the grand context for this modest book that concentrates on the language of mathematical models and the tools for their analysis. We hope it will help our readers to probe the intricacies of the real world. It is a healthy attitude to compare models with data. But, we claim, insight also very often derives from comparing models to models. We see the danger though. In 1965, D.G. Kendall wrote, referring in particular to A.G. McKendrick and R. Ross, who shaped epidemic theory in the early twentieth century using their medical background as a starting point: \begin{quote} `Mathematicians may be blamed for subsequently carrying the game too far, but its highly respectable medical origin should not be overlooked.' \end{quote} \noindent We wonder whether this cap of carrying the game too far fits us. We do not think so and certainly do not hope so, but it is you, reader, who decides. Biological reality is complex and mathematical models are only caricatures of it. Apparently Picasso once said: \begin{quote} `Art is a lie that helps us to discover the truth' \end{quote} \noindent In our context, `art' stands for simple models that describe relations between key components of an essentially much more complex reality. Finally, we give the floor to the medical doctor who arguably is the founding father of modern epidemic theory, Sir Ronald Ross, who wrote (Ross, 1911, p. 651): \begin{quote} `As a matter of fact all epidemiology, concerned as it is with variation of disease from time to time or from place to place, {\it must} (sic) be considered mathematically (...), if it is to be considered scientifically at all. (...) And the mathematical method of treatment is really nothing but the application of careful reasoning to the problems at hand.' \end{quote}