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Colloquium Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dynamical invariants for group automorphisms

Tom Ward (University of East Anglia)

Abstract: Automorphisms of compact groups provide some of the simplest examples of dynamical systems. I will give a brief overview of the following natural question. When do two group automorphisms share a dynamical invariant? More generally, can the fibres and a section be described for a dynamical invariant? For many natural invariants like measurable isomorphism, topological conjugacy, or periodic point data the answer is either surprisingly difficult or indeed not known.

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Location: room 611 of the Wiskunde building (campus De Uithof) Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht.

Date and time: Thursday, March 10, 2011 15:30-16:30. The lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and cookies from 15.00 to 15.30 hour in the same room.