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Colloquium Thursday, June 16, 2011

Topological and Differentiable Stacks

David Carchedi (UU)

Abstract: Topological and differentiable stacks are like spaces whose points possess their own intrinsic groups of symmetry. These include several natural objects of study: quotients of manifolds by group actions, leaf spaces of foliated manifolds, and orbifolds. They have many applications in foliation theory, twisted K-theory, string topology, and symplectic and Poisson geometry, as well as applications in theoretical physics, particularly in string theory and higher gauge theory. I will give an intuitive introduction to the concept of topological and differentiable stacks. I will then provide a brief summary of some results proven in my thesis. In particular, I will speak about compactly generated stacks, which are to topological stacks what compactly generated spaces are to topological spaces. Time permitting, I then hope explain how ineffective data of an étale stack is the same as a gerbe over its effective part, and what this means intuitively.

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Location: room 611 of the Wiskunde building (campus De Uithof) Budapestlaan 6, Utrecht.

Date and time: Thursday, June 16, 2011 15:30-16:30. The lecture is preceded by coffee, tea, and cookies from 15.00 to 15.30 hour in the same room.